Manufacturing ERP Blog | Rootstock

How Predictive Analytics Works in Concert with ERP

In our last blog, we discussed how predictive analytics is the use of data, statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to identify the[...]

Cloud ERP: Avoiding ‘FrankenCloud’ and Moving from Transactional to Strategic Systems

Become a Data Master by avoiding the pitfalls of “Frankencloud”. Listen to the latest podcast from “Data in Depth” hosted by Andrew Rieser featuring[...]

5 Signs You’ve Outgrown Your Old ERP System

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are critical to running a business today. Whether you’re churning out disposable widgets or building[...]

September 12, 2016

News Flash* - IDC Reports Salesforce Customers Will Add $389 Billion in New Business from 2016 through 2020

Last year, Salesforce asked research firm IDC to measure the impact of the Salesforce ecosystem. Today, they released the report. Among the findings - public cloud computing will grow at 6x the rate...

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September 8, 2016

The Appeal of Cloud-based ERP for Midsize Companies

Most anyone reading this blog understands that enterprise resource planning (ERP) software lets businesses integrate and manage key aspects of their operations. This is especially important to those...

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September 1, 2016

If You Missed Rootstock's ERP 101 Webinar 3 - Engineering Revisions and Engineering Change Orders

In the first two installments of our highly lauded ERP 101 Webinar Series, Introduction to ERP for Manufacturers and Distributors and Creating Part Master Records and Bills of Material, we discussed...

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August 29, 2016

Manufacturers / Distributors: Leverage Your Time Selectively at Dreamforce!

If you’ve never been to Dreamforce, be aware. It’s big. All those things that you want to do will not get crossed off of your present list because of the sheer size of the event and the number of...

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August 25, 2016

If You Are Interested in Cloud ERP and Going to Dreamforce...

Make sure you get to the Rootstock Booth 2031. Rootstock, the leading provider of manufacturing and supply chain cloud ERP software for the Salesforce platform will provide the following...

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August 22, 2016

How to Sell New Cloud ERP Systems to CFOs

When hoping to move to a new manufacturing cloud ERP system, sooner or later, you will need to have a discussion with the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or the person who acts as such for your...

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August 18, 2016

Did You Catch Rootstock's ERP 101 Webinar 2 - Engineering Basics?

In the first installment of our highly lauded ERP 101 Webinar Series, Introduction to ERP for Manufacturers and Distributors, we discussed the unique organizational characteristics of manufacturing...

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August 15, 2016

The Oracle-NetSuite Acquisition - Good for Cloud ERP, Not So Good for Manufacturers

And why Salesforce-Rootstock – Salesforce’s ecosystem is a better combination than Oracle-Netsuite! Oracle’s recent acquisition of NetSuite is great news for cloud ERP, but may not be such great news...

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August 11, 2016

How Cloud ERP Is Often the Lead Item for a 2-Tier Enterprise System

According to Gartner, companies need to move beyond simple two-tier hybrid ERP systems by adopting a postmodern ERP strategy. Postmodern ERP deconstructs the old suite-centric ERP into loosely...

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August 8, 2016

Introduction to ERP for Manufacturers & Distributors

The first installment of our ERP101 Webinar Series, Introduction to ERP for Manufacturers and Distributors, was successfully held last Tuesday (August 2). Many participants emailed us, congratulating...

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