Manufacturing ERP Blog | Rootstock

How Predictive Analytics Works in Concert with ERP

In our last blog, we discussed how predictive analytics is the use of data, statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to identify the[...]

Cloud ERP: Avoiding ‘FrankenCloud’ and Moving from Transactional to Strategic Systems

Become a Data Master by avoiding the pitfalls of “Frankencloud”. Listen to the latest podcast from “Data in Depth” hosted by Andrew Rieser featuring[...]

5 Signs You’ve Outgrown Your Old ERP System

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are critical to running a business today. Whether you’re churning out disposable widgets or building[...]

August 14, 2015

Purchase Order Management Must Go Beyond Tracking Purchase Orders

For most companies, Purchase Order Management is one of the key components of an ERP system. It's one of the basics of running a successful business - any type of business. You need to know how much...

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August 11, 2015

Discrete, Process and Hybrid ERP Systems: Part 2

Most manufacturing firms buy either discrete or process ERP software, depending on their primary manufacturing method. But companies who use mixed-mode manufacturing need an ERP solution that can be...

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August 10, 2015

Cloud ERP Needs Support Too - Don't Be Talked Out of It

There has been a lot of hype regarding Cloud ERP. For instance, customers have been told that, since the software is in the cloud, they can expect their SaaS applications to be easy to implement and...

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August 6, 2015

Discrete, Process and Hybrid ERP Systems: Part 1

Hybrid ERP solutions for manufacturing are growing in popularity. According to Gartner, these solutions, which typically supplement existing in-house legacy ERP systems with cloud-based ERP...

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July 22, 2015

Jan Baan Chooses Rootstock

In the ERP space, there are few people more respected than Jan Baan, the former chairman and CEO of Baan Software and founder and director of Vanenburg Software. So when Jan Baan speaks, people...

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July 21, 2015

Buyers Beware: Not All ERPs are Manufacturing ERPs

The saying, "a tree is a tree is a tree," doesn't apply to ERP.

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July 7, 2015

Jan Baan Chooses Rootstock (Cloud ERP) Integration with Salesforce

This is translated from Dutch. It appeared in the AME Research Newsletter issued July 5, 2015.

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June 3, 2015

Manufacturing is Going Mobile: Part 1

These are exciting and challenging times for manufacturing companies. Firms of all sizes are eager to realize the productivity and efficiency gains that cloud ERP brings and that ultimately drive...

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May 27, 2015

Manufacturers are Looking to the Cloud: Part 5

Manufacturing ERP and Salesforce

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May 12, 2015

Upcoming Webinar: The Power of ERP on the Salesforce Platform

The Cloud has become the standard for business software, but where does ERP fit? Many software vendors have tried to repurpose their on-premise solution to fit the cloud but have failed to meet the...

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