4-Minute Demo Video

#1 Cloud ERP Built on Salesforce

The most trusted cloud ERP software technology platform built with infinite scalability for business growth.

Watch the 4-min. demo now.

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Trusted by global industry leaders that manufacture, distribute & service goods

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Unified ERP + CRM Designed for End-Users and Built for Customer Success

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  • Real-time 360-degree visibility of customers and supply chain from ERP to CRM
  • Reduce IT costs and complexity with one cloud platform built to scale with your digital transformation journey
  • Save time and increase team productivity across the enterprise, connecting sales, inventory, fulfillment & financial work streams
  • Trusted data and KPIs across teams with a single data model to minimize errors
  • Stimulate user engagement and ease adoption with a user-friendly interface and low-code customization platform
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“We can take a CRM transaction and a forecast and run it all the way through to sales order, revenue booked, inventory, cost of sales, all in Rootstock.”


Ben Austin

CFO, SPR Therapeutics

“We implemented Rootstock and ComplianceQuest in four and a half months, not three years like you would do with something like SAP or Oracle. It's a huge testament to the engineering horsepower that's on the platform of both applications."


Tim Purdie

CIO & CIS, Tilray (Aphria)

"Rootstock has a lot of experience in manufacturing and the potential to adapt and work with our processes as a smaller company looking at growth and expansion."


Raymond Beiler

Vice President, Equipter

"It was my first introduction to Rootstock in this particular project and I was blown away by the integration of the solution using the same singular data set, the same objects, the same security model, the same authorizations. That was tremendous to me.”


Chad Wright

CIO, Boston Dynamics

One Cloud, One Platform, One View

See the Power of Rootstock ERP on the Salesforce Platform

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