63% of Manufacturers are Replacing Legacy ERP with Cloud ERP Within 18 Months

The Manufacturing Executive Survey, commissioned from IDC Research, unveils manufacturers' pressing concerns, business implications & technology spend amid today's market climate.

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The 2023 State of Manufacturing Technology Survey Results analyzes responses from 508 manufacturing executives in IT, Production, Finance, Supply Chain, Product Development & Executives. This comprehensive report summarizes 1000s of data points so you can benchmark against peers and ensure resilience against ongoing disruption for the next 12-24 months.

IDC Survey Respondants

Download the report to learn how peers are planning to:

  • Tackle supply chain uncertainty and sustainability
  • Overcome data silos, collaboration gaps, and talent shortages
  • Leverage cloud solutions & technology for performance, growth, and resilience
  • Future-proof manufacturing businesses and adapt to economic shifts

Survey Response Highlights

Where do you stack up against peers?

IDC Survey Responses

Trusted by global manufacturing leaders
